Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jesus: The Door

During our hour together today, we discussed Jesus: The Door. We took a birds-eye view of the Tabernacle's layout and how each instrument within its walls points directly to Christ and was placed specifically by God. Just as the Tabernacle has only one gate, we see that it says in John 10:9, Jesus Christ is the door and "If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved..." Once we pass through this door of salvation, there are pieces of the puzzle that we must find and complete. As the Brazen Altar reminds us that we must be in repentance of our sins, the Laver is there to cleanse us, through the washing by the Word. We are to witness to the lost and are commanded in Matthew 5 to "let your light shine before men..." God desires fellowship with us so much that He was willing to come to earth as our "bread of life". We are to be in daily prayer and remember that as those prayers are "wafting up to heaven" like a sweet perfume (Psalm 141), they smell of a fragrance so pleasing to God, He does not want it shared with the world. What better depiction of God being revealed to us in the Holy of Holies than when the Veil tore from the top down during Christ's crucifixion so that we now have direct access to the Father through His son!

Our Father has painted a beautiful picture for us in His divine design of the Most Holy Place. Our puzzle will not be complete until we are standing before the throne of the Almighty, but it is up to us to create a portrait on Earth that is pleasing to Him.

Take the time this week to review your "Tabernacle" and see if there is a door that you need to walk through to deepen your relationship with Him.

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